CGC Cards 評級標準
CGC Cards 使用高準確度的10分評級標準來評估集換卡、體育卡和非體育卡。 以下是 CGC Cards 對每個數值評級的評估標準,以及有關指定和簽名評分的資訊。

經十倍放大後無可見瑕疵的卡牌可獲得獨特的CGC Cards Pristine 10標籤。
CGC Cards 評級標準
Pristine 10
卡牌幾乎沒有肉眼可見的瑕疵。卡牌的居中度為50/50,且呈現無瑕的色澤與校準。所有被評定為 CGC Pristine 10 等級的卡牌皆可獲得獨特的 CGC Cards Pristine 10 標籤。
Gem Mint 10
卡牌的總體評級等級為10,但是其中一項評級標準不符合 Pristine 10 的要求。卡牌的四個角無肉眼可見的瑕疵,且在放大十倍後仍符合 Mint+ 等級的評級標準。卡面無印刷缺陷、無瑕疵,且保留原有色澤。卡牌的正面居中度不得超過大約55/45,背面居中度不得超過75/25。
Mint+ 9.5
卡牌符合 Mint 9 等級的評級標準且呈現非凡的視覺效果。在 Mint 9 等級的基礎之上,若卡牌具備諸如更為出眾的居中度、卡面品相/色澤或其它重要特質,可使其評級等級提升至 Mint+ 9.5。
Mint 9
NM/Mint+ 8.5
NM/Mint 8
Near Mint+ 7.5
Near Mint 7
Ex/NM+ 6.5
Ex/NM 6
Excellent+ 5.5
Excellent 5
VG/Ex+ 4.5
VG/Ex 4
Very Good+ 3.5
Very Good 3
Good+ 2.5
Good 2
Fair 1.5
Poor 1
CGC Cards標註
在某些情況下,CGC Cards將根據真實性和/或修改程度為卡牌指定特定的標籤。
真實 AU
真實標籤用於真實且未經修改的卡牌,但無法獲得數值評級的卡牌。 例如,如果卡牌的某部分缺失,例如一張原本應該手工裁切的卡牌未能達到公佈的測量容差,如二十世紀初的細長卡牌。 如果卡牌尺寸不符合最低要求,也會使用真實標籤。
真實且修改過的 AA
CGC Cards 如果卡牌是真實的,但已經修改過,CGC Cards 將在評分框中印有「真實且修改過的」標籤。 修改的例子包括重新上色和修剪。
簽名以 5 到 10 的評分標準進行評級,不設半分。
真實 AU
CGC Cards的評級標準現已升級以呈現當前的行業標準。 以下是CGC Cards現已停止使用的評級等級。 CGC Cards數量報告(CGC Cards Population Report)和CGC Cards評級卡登記(CGC Cards Registry)將呈現升級後的評級標準。
CGC Trading Cards Gem Mint 9.5
CGC Cards Gem Mint 10
CSG Gem Mint 9.5
CGC Cards Gem Mint 10
CGC Trading Cards Perfect 10
停止使用的評級等級;仍保留Perfect 10評級等級
CSG Perfect 10
停止使用的評級等級;仍保留Perfect 10評級等級
Telephone Card Grading Scale
CGC Cards will only accept submissions of unused Chinese generic telephone magnetic cards.
Pristine 10
A Pristine 10 is a virtually flawless telephone card to the naked eye. The edges and corners are free of wear and white spots. The telephone card perfectly retains its original color and gloss, with a clear and fully centered print pattern. On the reverse, the card’s magnetic powder is evenly distributed, the text is fully centered and there is no trace of topping up. Both the front and the back of the telephone card have no post-production imperfections visible under 5x magnification.
Gem Mint 10
A Gem Mint 10 card is a card that has received a 10 grade overall; however, one of the grading criteria does not meet the requirements of a Pristine 10. The edges and corners are free of wear and white spots. The telephone card perfectly retains its original color and gloss with clear and fully centered printed pattern. On the reverse, the card’s magnetic powder is evenly distributed, and the text will appear fully centered.
Mint+ 9.5
A Mint+ 9.5 is a telephone card that is nearly indistinguishable from one with a 10 grade. There may be slight minor printing defects on the surface of the card, or the pattern on the front might be very slightly off center. The edges and corners of the telephone card may have very minor white spots, or there may be slight traces of topping up on the reverse.
Mint 9
A Mint 9 telephone card may have only one of the following small imperfections: slight minor wear visible on the edges and corners, very minor scratches on the surface, a slightly off-center print pattern, slight traces of topping up on the reverse or very few stains on the surface.
NM/Mint+ 8.5
A telephone card graded 8.5 might have slight wear on some of the edges and corners. Minor blemishes on the surface may be visible,or the print pattern may be off center. The reverse side of the card should only have slight traces of topping up or very minor stains visible.
NM/Mint 8
A telephone card graded 8 must have only minor wear or printing defects, but they should not affect the overall appearance of the card. Upon closer inspection, the surface of the card may have slight scratches and white spots, along with wear on the edges and corners. Traces of topping up or stains may be visible on the card's reverse.
Near Mint 7
A telephone card graded 7 will have slightly visible wear on some edges and corners. The card should retain most of its original color and gloss, though the print pattern may be fuzzy. Visible wear or printing defects may be present on the card’s surface, along with traces of topping up or stains on the reverse. The telephone card will have moderate centering.
Ex/NM 6
A telephone card graded CGC 6 will have visible wear or printing defects on the card surface with a slightly fuzzy pattern. The card’s surface may have slight scratches and white spots, and it may lose some of its original gloss. The card’s edges and corners may be worn and the print pattern is off center. Meanwhile, there will be traces of topping up or stains on the reverse.
Excellent 5
In addition to visible wear and printing defects, a telephone card graded CGC 5 will have lost its original gloss with a slightly fuzzy pattern. Edges and corners may be worn, and there may be white spots and scratches on the surface. Corners may be worn and the print pattern is off center. Meanwhile, there may be evident traces of topping up and moderate to severe stains on the card’s reverse.
VG/Ex 4
A telephone card graded 4 will display obvious wear — such as scuffing or scratches — along with visible wear on the edges and corners. While some original surface gloss may be visible, the card’s print pattern will be slightly off center. On the card’s reverse, there will be evident traces of topping up or moderately severe stains.
Very Good 3
A telephone card graded 3 will display obvious wear on its surface, including scuffs, scratches and a loss of gloss. The card may also display some yellowing or discoloration. The card’s print pattern may be slightly off center, and there may be visible wear on the edges and corners.. The card’s print pattern is slightly off center, and there is evident traces of topping up or severe stains on the reverse.
Good 2
A telephone card graded 2 displays clearly visible wear or multiple scratches, along with visible wear on the edges and corners. The surface may have lost its original color and gloss, or have significant discoloration. The print pattern is obviously off center. There is evident trace of topping up or severe stains on the reverse.
Poor 1
For a grade of 1, the edges and corners of the telephone card are severely worn with more severe wear visible on the surface, including scuffing, scratches, dents, creases and stains. The print pattern is extremely fuzzy and severely off center. The card’s reverse has significant stains.
Non-numeric Grade
Most telephone cards have the same defects as those that receive grades of 1. However, the degree of defects could be even more severe, resulting in a nearly complete loss of their visual aesthetics. Cards of this level of defects will receive a non-numeric grade.
For a non-numeric grade, the surface of the telephone card may have missing contents, nearly broken creases or severe discoloration and stains, making it difficult to identify the actual contents of the card. There may also be obvious warping or other serious defects. Additionally, telephone cards that have been tampered with — either intentionally or otherwise — will receive a non-numeric grade.
For a non-numeric grade, the surface of the telephone card may have missing contents, nearly broken creases or severe discoloration and stains, making it difficult to identify the actual contents of the card. There may also be obvious warping or other serious defects. Additionally, telephone cards that have been tampered with — either intentionally or otherwise — will receive a non-numeric grade.